Travel Photos: Social Media vs. Reality

Have you ever taken a photo that you think will look cool, but in fact turns out to be the most embarrassing thing ever? This happens to me all the time.

Today I wanted to discuss about how we approach social media, and how we all shape the way others perceive us online. I think we can agree that we tend to only post the best aspects of our lives on the web. This helps us tell the world a story, inspire others, increase our self esteem, and ultimately feel better about ourselves. I got so fascinated by this subject, and the possibilities that social media offer, that I actually wrote my Master’s thesis on this topic (click here if you’re curious).

I recently discussed with a friend and told him I find it scary to truly open up online. I feel like once the information is out there, it’s there forever and there’s no going back. It’s scary and it opens the door to criticism, and judgement. When I go back home, I receive lots of comments regarding the fact that my travel photos look really nice, and that I have a baller life. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life and the trips I made are pretty unbelievable, but what social media doesn’t tell you is that it’s not always "picture perfect", even during the most wonderful moments.

To prove my point, I wanted to show you what some my coolest photos actually look like.



At the end of the day, things are not always perfect, and that's what makes experiences even more memorable :)