8 Travel Tips

Have you ever had a bad experience while travelling? Did you ever come back from a trip wishing you would have done things differently? Here's some advice to help you plan your next trip!

1. Choose the kind of trip, the destination, then your partner.

Whether you're going for work, to relax, party or discover a new place,  there are chances that your expectations won't be met during your trip. To increase chances of having an amazing time, make sure you choose the above wisely. If you really want to relax, maybe you should look at some all-inclusive resorts. If you like adventure & backpacking then hostels might be more suited. Also, you and your travel buddy need to be on the same page.


2. Don’t be afraid to go on your own!

"If you want something done right, do it yourself!"

If you want to plan the perfect trip, plan it on your own! Travelling alone can help you discover so much about yourself. Don't be afraid to go by yourself if you haven't found travel partners, or if your timing doesn't fit any of your friends'.


3. Read as much as you can about the places and the activities you’re planning to do.

Sometimes, main websites will highly recommend doing something, but if you take a closer look at other sites and forums (such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, social media, etc.), people will give your their own personal feedback! 


4. Read about weather conditions and peek seasons.

Not every country has the same seasons and weather! Believe me; you don’t want to go to a tropical destination if it’s raining every day. Also, be aware of when is high season. Prices could vary dramatically; not only your flight but also hotels, restaurants and activities.


5. Plan, but don’t plan too much!

It’s a really good thing to plan a few activities to do during your trip, but I think it’s always good to make room for unexpected things (they are the best)!


6. Get to know local people! 💙

I love becoming friends with local people! They will love to tell you more about their country, culture and the things to do. Also, they can show you so many spots that are unknown from tourists. 


7. Learn about the culture before going.

Educate yourself. Learn about the culture, the currency, the politics, criminality of the country. You don’t want to disrespect people while travelling or put yourself in a really bad situation. Be street smart, always!


8. Don’t forget to bring:

  • Your camera

  • Adapters/Converters (check if the voltage is the same in your destination country)

  • Sunscreen

  • Toothbrush

  • Basic medication (ie. pain relief, nausea, allergy pills, etc.)

  • Name tags to identify your luggage

  • Towel (if you're staying at a hostel)

  • Your passport!