Lust In Her World

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Petra & Wadi Rum

For a long time, I’ve been wanting to visit the city of Petra, one of the World’s 7 Wonders. That summer I had decided to go visit my friend Johanne in Lebanon, I figured it would be a great idea to travel to Jordan as well since it’s so close. So that’s what I ended up doing. I must say that going to the Middle East by myself was something that was stressing me out a lot when I was planning my trip. 

After a lot of research online, I managed to find a travel agency that offers packages for groups, but also for solo travellers. My experience with Enjoy Jordan was absolutely amazing, unforgettable. Before you book your trip, they build a custom itinerary depending on many factors such as: price, accommodation, places to visit, meals, driver, etc. I ended up getting my private chauffeur, Ziad, for an entire week, and travelled all across Jordan, at a very decent price!

There were two major highlights during my trip: visiting the entire city of Petra under 50 Celsius degrees, and sleeping in the middle of Wadi Rum desert with Bedouins for a night!


The Ancient City of Petra is located approximately 3 hours away from Amman, Jordan’s capital (4 hours by bus). The entrance fee for 1 day is 50 Jordanian dinars ($90 CAD), only if you are spending at least one night at a hotel in Petra (otherwise it’s 90 dinars). I’m telling you, it’s totally worth every penny!

To access the city, you will first have to walk through the Siq, a narrow gorge that is about 1.2 kilometres long. Then, you’ll get to the famous Al-Khazneh Place (the Treasury), that’s where the city starts. Petra stretches over an impressive 60 square kilometres, meaning that it is huge and it does require a lot of walking in the sun. Don’t forget to bring a hat and water, lots of water! There are two spots that I noticed where you can buy fresh water once you’re there, but I wouldn’t take any chance. Dehydration can be pretty serious!



Sleeping at a Bedouin camp in the middle of the desert is also a must-do over there (I stayed here). Probably one of the most unforgettable experiences I’ve had in my life. I was left by myself a lot during that trip, which I really enjoyed. It was an amazing way to disconnect from reality. No friends, no wi-fi, nothing. In the middle of the desert, you can’t hear a sound, and I remember seeing so many stars and shooting stars very clearly. While you’re there, they will offer you a traditional meal at night, and during the day you can do different excursions (jeep, dromedary, ATV, etc.). Definitely something I will remember for the rest of my life!